Thursday, March 17, 2011

When and Where?!?

Tuesday I was feeling anxious and panicking about the future and how things were going to all work out for us to return to the US, mostly fretting about the when and where - when are we leaving, and where will we land?

A friend had told us in September before we left for Costa Rica that they'd love for us to rent their house when it was available - another friend is living there now as they build a home. Their home is going to be done next month, so since they'll be moving out by April 30th, I figured it was a good time to touch base with them again and see what they were thinking and if it was still available for us to rent.

After a quick phone call (which said phone call had such great quality - it sounded like we were still living in the same neighborhood - isn't vonage incredible?!?) she said that that house is our whenever we want it! She even said "This is the Wride's house" I feel like I have a home! :) Isn't that great!? That takes care of both the where and the when! I have no more stress! We're free and on our way, the future is bright! Corey was hoping to have the option to stay until June, so lucky boy, you got your wish if you want it! The kids will get a little more time in school to make it worth their while, and we'll be back for the vacation in Park City and the birth of the baby, it's a beautiful neighborhood with trees and a gorgeous view of the mountains, sigh! I loved going on morning walks there, it is a little corner of heaven. And we'll be back in our old neighborhood and so it really will feel like coming home cause it will be familiar, we won't have to adjust to a new school or new neighbors and ward, not that I have anything against moving and meeting new people, but we have had our share of adventures this past 6 months and I need to take a breather. I was so grateful after talking to her I cried. Such a blessing, thank you Lord for once again preparing a place for us.

I'll let you all know when we're throwing the open house party!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is so Wonderful!!!! What a relief! I hope it works out like that for us when we are returning. :)
    Like you said to me: "go forward with faith." You did and you were blessed.
