Friday, April 15, 2011

Cars At The Park

Corey and the older kids came over to the park to join Lily and I. Unbeknownst to us, there was a trap set for us unsuspecting parents: a lot full of little kiddie cars was waiting to lure our children away from the slide and onto bigger and better things that came with a price tag. $1000 pesos for a 3-4 minute drive around the plaza. The kids all ran over "Look! I wanna drive in that one! I get this one! Wee!" Corey paid fro Abi to drive. He's got a soft spot for Abi. He let her have one ride around the park. The little business owner of the cars followed Abi around as she took off bookin'. Corey commented "Either he's earning his pay, or he's trying to protect his assets." She had it on high speed and didn't seem to know how to steer.

Lily sat in the cars and was content enough with that. Good girl.

When Abi's ride was over, she jumped out and ran over to another car "Now I wanna do dis one!" "No..." came Corey's reply, "Just one ride." Her happiness was short lived and turned to bitterness toward her father "Fine! I not your friend!" But she also kept harassing him for another ride, hanging on his legs or around his neck.

Corey is not going to give her sympathy - Notice he's not holding her, she's holding him. :)

She was pretty ticked. We let Hyrum and Wes take a spin in a car they shared. Lily kept sitting in cars and shaking her little body as if she was in a moving vehicle. The McQueen car was her favorite.

After Wes and Hyrum were done with their ride, we had to leave the park to get away from the cars! They were just as bad as candy by the grocery store checkout lines. Why do they do this to parents of young children? It's just wrong, have they no shame. :)

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