Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Los Pozones

(Disclaimer: not all these videos are important or worth your time to view, but I have included them nonetheless merely for the sake of documentation of our last day in Pucón.)

Saturday our check out was at 12 we thought, but then the cleaning maids came and knocked on the door at 11 asking if we were done. No, we weren't, but we said almost and they came in and started working on the upstairs while I finished packing and emptying the fridge and Corey took the kids and most of the bags to the reception desk to check out.

So at 12:00 we were all done, gave the kids some snacks using the last of our food: bread with jelly or manjar, cold hot dogs, and some cookies. Corey had planned a family activity for us to pass the time until our bus ride at 8:00 p.m. We walked through the town ...

... to a bus station and took a bus ride ...

Lily's cheeks were a - jigglin'

driving up and up to Los Pozones, then walking down and down to the springs in the canyon.

Kids chasing lizards.

I thought Abi was funny in the one above. And Corey is cute.
I know you're just dying to see more. I'll upload more later.

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