Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chore Boards Update

We're onto our 4th week of using our Chore Boards, and I must say it's going pretty well and looks like it will be a system we'll continue using this summer, and that we'll also be able to modify it once school starts and will still have a good thing going.

Here's once glitch I've noticed... when they finish their jobs they get an orange ticket which they can redeem for a half hour of Webkinz or Wii time. It's been tricky to award tickets when I have to go to each kid and figure out if they still need it or if they already used it, cause as soon as they're done they'll ask to go play and I'll be making lunch or doing something else and won't be able to go record their work or give them their ticket at that exact moment. Plus, it raises my blood pressure to have 7 kids ask me several times a day if they can play the Wii or Webkinz or check their email - too many questions too many times by too many kids (okay, only 6 kids - Lily doesn't ask for Wii or email time yet) plus, I don't want them to play the wii or use the comptuer every day anyway, so even though they've "earned" it, sometimes I still say no and they get a little miffed and then we're both in sour moods.

SO, I'm going to try a "Free Day" thing starting tomorrow - On free day they don't have to do morning chores or math or Spanish, but they do still have to do their music and hour of reading. Their free day is also their one day of the week to redeem their tickets and check their email. I've done it oldest to youngest: Joe's free day is Monday, Mel Tuesday, Ethan Wednesday, etc through Abi on Saturday. We'll see how it goes, but I plan on it being very nice tomorrow to only have one child ask me those questions, and I won't have to think about my answer, cause I already know for Ethan it will be yes, the rest of them it will be no. I feel like breathing a sigh of relief! (It seems like Melodie has been asking me every hour if she can check her email, and when I go see what she's doing she's usually sending an email to Joseph! I think that's a little bit silly.)

Other than that for the chores, it's going well. They get a "bonus buck" if they finish everything before 12, which buck can be redeemed for items at "mom's store" where I have fun sized candy bars for $1 bonus buck or big dollar sized candies (like big boxes of Skittles, Mike n'Ikes or Nerds) for $5 bonus bucks. Works pretty well at motivating them to get started on their work in the morning. They also can receive "Best Behavior" awards, but we haven't decided what those can be redeemed for yet. They are all really looking forward to their "Special Dates". Joseph's has 3 more days to earn his date (they have to do all their jobs and lessons to get a check/sticker, and 15 stickers means they've earned a special date). Joe's trying to decide if he wants to go see the new Harry Potter movie or go to Leatherby's for and Ice Cream Sunday. It's cute, and reminds me that anticipation is half the fun of making memories! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! I think it's a good idea to have one day where they can redeem their tickets. Then you only have to monitor one child per day for their Wii or computer time.

  3. I am so glad it's working. Your post has motivated me to start something like this when I get home. Neil and I talked about it during our date tonight. It's all about finding the right motivation. I love the special date idea. Amy
