Thursday, July 21, 2011

Orange Julius

Corey is a juice man. He loves juice, buys juice, drinks lots-o-juice. Last week he didn't realize it but he bought a Simply Orange juice with mango, and he's also a mango man, so he loved that.

Well, I did the grocery shopping this week and I did not buy any juice. Well, I did buy Walmart's OJ Concentrate, but that doesn't qualify as real juice. My beef is that the kids drink the fresh juice so fast, and I hate having them chuck the expensive stuff down, I'd rather give them the cheap stuff. But still, my dear Corey was disappointed that I didn't have juice, but then I offered to make him some Orange Julius!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a “real” Orange Julius like those from my teenage years, but from what I remember it was delicious. We tried this one last night and I think it's quite close to what my memory remembers:

6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
8-9 ice cubes

1. Combine all ingredients except ice cubes in blender (unless you have a K-Tec -if you got a K-Tec throw it in and go to town)
2. Blend for about 1-2 minutes, adding ice cubes one at a time.

That’s a lot of sugar, right? Yeah, no wonder it’s so good. Another suggestion: use powdered sugar to make the drink a bit creamier. I tried 1/4 cup regular sugar and 1/4 powdered sugar and it was a hit with Corey and all the kiddos.

Feel free to share any julius recipe that is your family's staple. :)


  1. That's the recipe I use. We love them too. We usually only have them on holiday and birthday breakfasts. Makes those days a little extra special. I'm with you with the oj. I love Tropicana and will horde it on the rare occasions I buy it and give the kids the cheap stuff. Amy

  2. I usually just leave the sugar out completely -- the concentrate is sweet enough, and then it's a pretty guilt-free treat. Yum. If only I could buy OJ concentrate.
