Friday, July 1, 2011

How To Get Soft Feet and Heels

As I was prepping my feet this morning, I thought I'd blog my secret to soft heels! In my figure-it-out-myself quest years ago, I filed and sanded away at my feet and tried different lotions. Then in 2008 my search for a cure to my very calloused heels ended with this daily ritual:

1) Put Burt's Bees Milk and Honey Body Lotion on my feet first thing in the morning
2) Put on socks and shoes on
3) Let your feet bask in this little cocoon all day
4) Repeat the next day

Follow the above steps right after showering or, if you're like me today and haven't showered cause I want to try to exercise first but am thinking that's not gonna happen for atleast a few more hours, just lotion up and put on your socks and shoes, and do it again later after you do bathe later. If I get up and exercise first thing, then I wait to lotion up til after the bath.

My 2 cents - wearing flip flops and sandals dries out your feet. I do wear them occassionally, but I know my feet will be looking dry and cracked if I do it for too long. If I do wear them, I usually don't lotion my feet cause then I just end up slipping out of them as I walk, not good for the ankles.

In 2007 when I started this, the lotion was much thinner and came in a bottle like this:
After we returned from our trips to Costa Rica and Chile, I found it again but it was different design and formula that you can find at Walmart or probably anywhere and looks like the first picture on this post - it's in a different squeeze tube now and has a thicker texture that doesn't seem to absorb as fast, but I've be using it and it's still is working well on my feet, so I'll keep with it. :)

Give it a try, smooth and soft feet are on the way!


  1. I'll have to try this. I have the worst heels ever. The boys are always picking at them because they are so rough. My brother won't even look at my feet they disgust him so bad. Yucky heels is his pet peeve. Only problem I have is I hate wearing shoes and socks in the summer. I like being able to slip shoes on and off quickly. To heal my heels I may have to compromise. I keep thinking I should get a pedicure but hate to spend the money.

  2. One thing that I find also helps is using a pumice stone in the shower daily, but then again I'm one of those who lives in sandals from about April to October.
