Friday, July 1, 2011

Young Women Values Sign

Hear Me Roar's Be Sign inspired this idea for Melodie's room.

Usually I don't like to decorate with themes or things unless they have meaning for me or the kids. So even though Melodie isn't in Young Women's yet, she will be soon so I thought we'd make her a Young Women's Values Sign. First I made a printable on Picnik to get the basic idea of the fonts, spacing, and look I wanted.

I had a frame from the DI so I got it out and had fun painting. I did this rough draft on the foam boarded print picture that was already in the frame. The wet paint made the paper warp in a few places, but that was okay cause this was just a rough draft to see how I liked it anyway. I free handed the words with pencil, then painted it. Here's the end product, hanging on Mel's wall.

The yellow "good works" doesn't show up very well - the flash from the camera made it show better for this photo, but in real life it's a little hard to see. Still, we decided we like it, so this rough draft version will stay on her wall for now until I finish other projects that I'm doing (too many fun things to do!) and sometime in the next year we'll start to make the final versions. I think when I do it again for Mel's room I'll try it on plywood like Roar's Be sign, cause the frame is a little too big for her room I think, but we'll see what Mel wants.

It's fun to decorate! I have an idea for other things to put around this sign, but for now we just stapled Mormonad Posters to the wall around it. But I'm thinking we'll make cute little signs designed with our own symbol for each value -

Faith = Sun
Divine Nature = A crown
Individual Worth = heart
Knowledge = book
Choice and accountability = key (or a purse)
Good Works = cupcake
Integrity = flower
Virtue = diamond ring

So that's another project in my head. fun fun

(Side note update: Oh great! I was just looking through the Mormonad Poster gallery and saw this - see that poster on the top left, "Virtue, the GOLD Standard"? Virtue's color is gold, not pink! Blah, what do I know. But I don't think gold paint will work very well with the over all look... maybe I'll do a golden tan color, unless I find metallic/shiny acrylic paint for all the colors, otherwise a shiny gold would look out of place. Hmm...)


  1. How about outlining the word virtue with gold?

  2. Great job! Your hand painting looks like you printed off the image from Picnik. WOW. You are good! Thanks so much for sharing this with me. You rock!

    Cheri from I Am Momma
