Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Having A Plan - vs - Wingin' It

I had an epiphany on Monday morning. Monday morning is my weigh in day for myself. And the epiphany I had is one I've had before but have not mastered, so I guess that's why I had it again (and will probably have again next year too)... Because I learned yet again that in regards to weight loss (and probably most things in life) you can't just wing it, you gotta HAVE A PLAN, and being steady and consistent in following that plan is the key to success.

Two weeks ago when I had a plan AND FOLLOWED IT, I lost 4 pounds. Last week I had a plan but let things slide and was eating treats then doing extreme exercises to try and lessen the negative effects, which let me up to Monday morning where I was just hoping that the scale would show a loss, but I lost 0 pounds. Lucky I didn't have a gain. But here's the epiphany - It doesn't have to be luck! I don't have to hope I will lose weight, it doesn't have to be up to chance. I KNOW I will lose weight when I stick to my plan! It's a guarantee! I can get there, so the real question is, am I willing to follow the plan?

Here's some details of the above epiphany:

So on Sophia's birthday on Sept 6th I weighed 175 before I went in to deliver. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. I ate lots of cookies at the hospital. I weighed myself the night of Sept 7th when I came home and I was 172. That week I stayed pretty focused on diet and enjoyed being able to move and touch my toes again and weighed myself every day (morning and night) just to see what my body was doing and getting ready to start on Monday. My official "get this baby weight off" campaign began Monday Sept 12th and I weighed in that morning at 162. I was totally focused with diet and exercise that first week and lost 4 more pounds, 158 on Sept 19th. I think I felt a little too much like "hey that was pretty easy!" cause the 2nd week I nibbled on cookies, chips, and other things I bought for the kids' school lunches. Tuesday the 20th, I knew I had reached my calorie allotment for that day around 6:00 pm, so instead of sitting with my family for dinner I went for a 5 mile jog around the mouth of the canyon. My first run of the year, and it felt good to move, and the fall weather was BEAUTIFUL, but I totally hammered my knees and was kicking myself on Wednesday for not doing 2 mile runs for a while to warm them up for the stress of it. I literally had to use my arms lift up my legs a few times, but was glad that they seemed to have recovered by Thursday. So I thought to myself, I ate the cookies on Tuesday but fixed it with the run, the rest of this week no more falling off the wagon! But I did again. Ate lots of Sunchips (I've vowed I can't buy those anymore for the kids, cause seriously I eat them all!), ate a delicious dinner on date night (should have saved half of it for the next day), and ate too many desserts at the Relief Society Broadcast dinner. (Bad thing about having a big family: the ladies insisted I take a plate home for everyone, so I brought home 9 more gooey chocolate caramel bars, and one by one I rationalized my actions until I had eaten them all!!!), I've need to keep supportive food around, and really be prepared to be strong if I know I'm going to face temptation. STAY FOCUSED ON MY GOALS! I'm doing good with staying away from the Michoacana paletas - luckily the store is far enough away that it really take a conscious effort to fall for that temptation right now.

Anyway, I'm on the wagon this week, I'm going slow and steady like the tortoise, not going on extreme swings with over eating then over exercising. Extreme doesn't work, being consistent and steady does. From my past experiences, I know that if I follow the Kristi Approved way of eating, I know I can lose 2 pounds a week, so I can be at my goal #1 by Christmas (130 pounds) and I can reach my six pack goal by our wedding anniversary in February. Stay focused and steady and I will get there!

Here is a link to the Kristi Approved Free 7 day Trial - I'm using parts of this for my diet and exercise this week. Try it out and you too can know that you are going to lose weight! It doesn't have to be a guessing game. Actually, even the word we use of "weight LOSS" makes it seem like it's an accident -hey, I "lost 2 pounds!" (or "found" 2 pounds?) If we're following a plan, we could say more appropriately that we've "removed" that unwanted weight.

And for fun, here is something a friend shared with me yesterday on her latest weight loss plan - haha ;)

I always used my shampoo to wash the rest of my body while in the shower. It was just easier to lather up my hair and use the extra suds on my body instead of soap. Then I saw the words printed on my shampoo bottle “for extra body and fullness”.

No wonder I can’t lose weight!
Now I’m using my dishsoap in the shower. It’s guaranteed to remove fat and other unwanted deposits that other soaps leave behind!

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