Friday, September 9, 2011

The Name Is...

Corey's at the gym, so here's my chance to use the computer. (We gotta get my AC adapter cord fixed... not a hard task, just requires running an errand to do it, which should be doable, but hasn't been done yet.) Anyway, I did run out with the baby to the hospital today to get a follow up test done for her bilirubin - she was barely in the low risk when they tested her on Wednesday. After letting them poke her heel, I went down to the medical records to tell them what name to put on her birth certificate application papers.

Corey and the kids staring at the new baby, Corey said to them "I'm the baby whisperer"

Corey and I talked about it last night a little, then when he was ready for bed and I was pressuring him to commit to a name, he said "Her name will be revealed to me at 8:37 tomorrow morning." The kids got off to school around 8:30, I went to get dressed and waited for 8:37 so I could play along and go hold him to his word to commit, and I caught him at 8:39, he joked that he was on the computer and must have missed the transmission. "Doh! I missed it!" Then he took the baby and sat on the bed and said "Ok, kid, speak up!" as he stared at her.

About an hour later I needed to get her in for her lab test, and we decided on

~ Sophia Morgan Wride ~

(Corey also always jokes that I'm pretty good that I was able to get him to propose to me, seeing how anti-committal he is) As I buckled her into her carseat, I asked Corey "You sure? I'm not taking my cell phone with me, so you gotta stop me at the door if you've got second thoughts..." but I made it to the hospital without any contact, and now the papers have been signed, so I guess that's it! Only 3 days after she was born too, I think that's a record for us!

There already is a Sophie on my side of the family and a Sophia on Corey's side, so apologies to all little cousins and relatives if we've made things confusing for all of you at future family reunions. :)

Here is a link to some pictures that they took at the hospital. Go to and select pictures taken from September 1, password is 0906babygirlwride.


  1. Very classy name. Little Sophia is getting cuter and cuter each day. Keep the pics coming. I love seeing how their look changes until they finally come into their own.

  2. Sophia is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl! Hooray for commitment!

  3. thanks for the name Sophia mom and yes, this is Sophia Morgan Wride!
