Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome Baby!

Well, finally time to change the title of our blog: 7 kids +1 new spankin' bundle o joy!

Yes, Baby #8 arrived yesterday, and man was that the easiest delivery ever. With Monday as a holiday I was able to get everything ready and the house clean, woke up and got myself ready and made lunches for the kids so they'd be all ready to get off to school, then I called the hospital at 7. They said come on in, was there by 7:30, started the pitocin by 8:30, broke my water at 10, got the epidural around 11:00 (I was debating whether to get it or not, but once those contractions started really kicking in Corey said "You better get it now or you're going to miss your window of opportunity, he was right), and she was born at 12:30.  She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces.  The delivery was super fast and easy and everything was taken care of at home too, like clockwork! Lucky! I took one pain pill yesterday cause they gave it to me, but have had like no pain at all, maybe cause it was so fast? Maybe cause I've done planks this pregnancy? My Dad said it's cause "Practice make perfect" :) I think I'm just lucky/blessed. Anyway, I feel very grateful.

When I first saw her, I though "troll" and "toad". She is just an adorable & funny looking little thing like all newborns are, all scrunched up and wrinkled like a mini Rumpelstiltskin. Here are a few pictures of our little smurf.

Before her bath above, and after below - we were hearing repeats of what everyone said with Abigail, "Look at all that hair!"

Corey asking the question they never want to answer... "Hey kid, what is your name?! You better speak up now or we're just going to have to decide for you, and we might mess it up, so speak!"

We have two molds of kids - Mold #1 is the Joe/Hyrum mold, and Mold #2 is the mold of all the other kids, so we've got boy and girl of mold 2, but this is our first girl of the Joe/Hyrum mold - with the "proud nose" as Corey calls it, and little furrowed eyebrows.

A little head with a proud nose and furrowed brow

Here's what Lily looks like when you tell her it's someone else's turn to hold the baby

Joe with his little twin sister (he's such a good brother)


  1. Congrats on your new little one. That is so exciting! She is adorable!

  2. Adorable! Here's a fun (or haunting) thought... when Joe goes to college Isabelle (eh! eh!) will be getting baptized!

  3. Name her Kelsey! I will love you forever! Haha! She's so adorable tho, can't wait to meet her:)

  4. Oh love all the posts and pictures. Congrats to the Wride family on baby #8. I love seeing all the fun you and your family have. Especially how creative you all are. It was fun to spend some time with your boys today at the Scouting Pack Meet. Take care and let us know if we can help in any way with the new addition.

    P.S. Shon wants me to add that now you can change your title to 8 is enough (that is if you decide you are done) and he says he is glad he isn't the only one that thinks that about newborn babies. He has said for years that no newborn is cute. Bah... What to do with him.

  5. She is ADORABLE! I love her dark hair and sweet round cheeks! Congratulations!!!! Now give that poor baby a name! :)

  6. congrats on little sweetie number 8! she shares a birthday with sophie and breanne. i would love to have 8, but i don't know if i'm cut out for that. it's just such a perfect in my slightly ocd number world. it's great to hear a birth story like that--i'm glad it went so well.

  7. She's beautiful in her own special way! My suggestion is Elodie (rhymes with Melody). It's French-Belgian and the 2 ladies (grandmother and grand daughter named Elodie I know are wonderful, sweet, strong willed, courageous ladies! I'm so glad to hear everything went so well for you. I've been thinking and praying for you a lot lately. Congratulations!

  8. Wow - great news!!
    I can't believe you are a mother of 8 and so strong and fit. I look up to you!!And I love what you said about molds because that is true with us. We have two molds as well and each of our children are IDENTICAL at birth and infancy in that mold. I'm not going to have more kids, but I bet we would have more of the same in the 2 molds if we did. Enjoy!

    -shannan (jackson) deshazer
