Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Embarrassing Story Entry

Our church had a little contest at the Christmas Breakfast a week and a half ago - share your most entertaining/embarrassing true story. I was reading the blog here for some ideas and possible entries and found this one which I had totally forgotten about - glad this blog is here to help my failing memory. I won 3rd place :)

March 15, 2007 - while living in Brazil

Not Your Typical "First Trimester" Day

While pregnant and living abroad, I went to a doctor appointment at a public clinic so they could draw blood for whatever tests they need to do for the baby. I really didn't want to bother with it while we were there but our friend insisted and offered to help and went with me the 40 minute drive into the city. I went in and and had my first exam. It was the first time I've heard this baby's heart beat, so that was fun. As for the blood work, I had to go over to a different room and wait in line. Most of the other people in line only had 2 or 3 viles to fill, but they did 5 for me. So after sucking out all my blood and since I hadn't eaten anything that morning (because I had to be in a state of fasting) I promptly fainted when they were done. Luckily the next lady in line was standing at the door waiting for her turn, and she proudly told me (as I lay on the table after I came to) that she had saved me from hitting the floor. So the new Portuguese word of the week was "faint" --> "desmaio". They had me lay down for a few minutes, my friend came into the room to see if I was ok, and when they felt I was strong enough to walk they let me leave - I told them I had some crackers in the car to get my blood sugar up, so I'll be fine. I scarfed down the cookies and crackers really quickly in the car, cause I was only driving a short distance to the Campinas temple which was nearby. At the temple I was doing initiatories, when I after work for 2 people I threw up all over the nice temple worker and myself (mostly her) the big mess of cookies and crackers that I had inhaled - all down the front of her lovely white dress. We both went and changed clothes, they cleaned the floor, and I sat down for a few mintues, then we finished the work. I did 10 initiatories and afterward told them I was going to skip out on doing a session and head home. I'd had enough fun for one day.

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