Monday, December 5, 2011

Sophia's 2 Month Pictures

I have a wall picture collection of each of my kids at 2 months and 1 week old. Sophia has officially joined the wall of babies.

This picture above was the cutest one, since she has a little smile, but the pose is more important to me for than her facial expression for some illogical reason, so we're going with the binki photo, which is still way cute and also tells of what she's been like as an infant, since she is a major binki baby - none of the other kids except Ethan cared much for the binki, so it's a little bit of a trademark for her.

And I just love the little pink sweater - that was a gift from a neighbor, it's so stinkin cute!


  1. She is so cute!And I love seeing all their little faces by each other - they all look like Wrides! =]

  2. Is it rude to say she kinda reminds me of Klinger from M*A*S*H? Maybe it's the dark hair and dark skin (or at least her skin looks dark to me). She is stinkin' cute.

  3. This is Patrice, not JT. I tried to post a comment using my gmail account and it said I didn't have access to view that page. Did you block me Tiff? ;)

  4. And now it said JT couldn't view the page. Something weird going on here with posting....either way, comments from JT will be me. Sorry for all the comments.
