Friday, February 3, 2012

Surprise Surprise!

Corey's been in Chile for two weeks. He was scheduled to arrive home tomorrow around 11 a.m....

Or so I thought
Here is what I learned this morning as we were chatting online:

8:56 AM Corey: I love you sweetie
8:57 AM you there?
me: hi sweetheart.
how are you?
Corey: I'm in love with you - how are you?
me: good, can I call you?
8:58 AM Corey: no, I can't talk - the internet is not good where I'm at
but I'm excited to see you soon
did I ever send you my itinerary?
me: no
Corey: you still want it?
me: yes please
Corey: one moment sweetie
will be great to see you soon
me: Yes, I've missed you
Corey: I missed you too
too long of a trip
me: I'll be right back
Corey: wait!? where did you go?
9:02 AM me: sorry
Corey: ok -
hey, it says my flight gets in Feb 3, 2012 - 10:19 AM
9:03 AM me: today is feb 3rd (see * at end of this post)
Corey: oh - well
then can you pick me up today?

(pause on my end as I realized the surprise...)

: are you in the air right now?
Corey: if not, tomorrow works
9:04 AM yes, I'm crossing into new mexico a the moment
me: YOU ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!
ARE you serious?!
Corey: CRAZY!??!
why crazy?
crazy to change my flight just to be with you sooner?
me: you're going to be home in an hour??!?!
Corey: 1:13 minutes
me: Ok, you just put the biggest smile on my face
You are awesome
Corey: I LOVE YOU!!!!!
me: Well, I better go shower then!
Corey: excited to see you
9:05 AM well, you can come get me, right?
me: but the house is a wreck, I was going to clean the house tonight...
I'm not ready!!!
Corey: well, you just gotta always be ready
me: well this is fun,
ok then, You are amazing, thanks for the surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:06 AM Ah, I get it... last night you said "I'm not going to be available tonight..." now I get it. I thought it was a social gathering
Corey: nope - just boarding the plane
me: well, you just keep up with these surprises and I'll try to keep not expecting it
love you!
Ok, see you soon!
Corey: I LOVE YOU!!!
I'm just glad your happy to see me - Gabriel said you might be busy with someone else.
me: haha
9:08 AM always busy but just with the kids
Corey: ok - well I'm excited to see you
it says 1:09 minutes until at destination
9:10 AM me: I just told Abi we're gonna go get you, then she said "He's coming home now? hehehe! I can't wait!"
so you're in the plane over New Mexico or in New Mexico on a layover?
Corey: I'll get some candy/treats at the airport
9:11 AM sorry to have had to leave you again
out there trying to "do stuff"
see you soon!
Time to Destination: 1:08
me: ok!we'll get ready

* so when I said "today is Feb 3rd" my immediate brain thought/vent was "WHAT?!?! Oh great!!! He was supposed to go to the airport yesterday but he didn't look at his itinerary until today and if he would have looked at it before and emailed it to me earlier he would have noticed that he had to leave chile on FEB 2nd to arrive back here TODAY on Feb 3rd and now he probably won't get home until SUNDAY and AHHHHH!!!!!

But when he said "well can you pick me up in an hour then" I knew he planned this surprise for me and what a fun surprise! He came home early! (My love language is quality time, so having more time with him than I thought, well that's just the best surprise he could give me!) That gave me such a smile and boost of oxytocin that I'll probably be in a good mood the whole month.

:) !!!!!! Hooray for a fun husband who knows how to make me smile!!!


  1. Awesome! Matt said "That's what a good husband is supposed to do!" Score Corey!

  2. YEAH!! What if I could have told you that story around the campfire at girls' camp? You would have never believed it!

  3. Your right Carrie - I wouldn't have believed it. I often think that I never would have imagined back in the day that one day we'd be married AND he'd be just as crazy about me as I am about him, still amazes me. city0990 - you're welcome! :)
