Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Making Valentines

The kids made some Valentine Roses over at Corey's parent's house this weekend. They worked hard making roses. Melodie had worked on them during several visits and almost had enough for her whole class until she left them out on Monday morning where Lily and Abi discovered them and ate them while I took a bath. Foolish on my part to 1) attempt taking a bath while children are awake and 2) not put 2 and 2 together and realize that the only reason they were not pounding on the door to join me in the tub was because they were up to no good.

Anyway, the flowers turned out cute. Ethan made a bouquet for his teacher and made simple valentines for his class.

Joe donated his flowers to Melodie (such a gentleman).

Do you like Mel's and Ethan's new glasses? We all got two pairs at America's best, two pair plus a free eye exam for $69.95 or something, they were all over due for a check up. We got out eye exams done on the day of the Brian Regan show, I thought it was appropriate. (They don't call it a quiz...) and I was laughing as the eye doctor said "number 1... or number 2" with each of us.

One quick tutorial for how to make valentine roses here. :) We used 4x4 inch squares of cellophane wrap, and we also stabbed our kisses instead of wrapping them like they do at that link.

Joe stabbing his kisses with a thick wire above, then wrapping the cellophane shut with a smaller wire below

Then wrap it all with green floral tape.

This is why we almost ran out of chocolates as we made flowers...
Hope you all had a nice Valentine's day!

1 comment:

  1. I remember making a bouquet of those flowers for Neil when we were dating. I feel so bad for Melodie. All that hard work wasted.
