Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Riding A Horsey

Abi was playing so sweetly with Lily last Friday - Usually she's in the older sibling mode of "my little sister is bugging me and messing up my stuff" but Friday she was being the motherly older sister and led out in playing a game, helped Lily get dressed, and spoke most every word in a sweet Cinderella princess voice, it was just cute.

And then they topped it off by making me laugh when I saw them in the backyard like this -

Ethan and Corey were the only ones home, so I called them to come see and went and grabbed my camera, Abi and Lily were riding the horsey (one of those wood deer thingys) in the backyard. Cute cute

Thanks for being such a nice big sister today Abi! Do it again tomorrow, k? It makes life just so much better all around.