Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stinkin' Cute Wafee

Oh I love my Wafee

(aka Sophia)

Sophia was originally named "Sophia" by her parents, but they took after two year old Lily when she started calling Sophia "Fifi" which we all adored and thus mimicked, then when we all started calling Sophia "Fifi", Lily started calling her "Wafee" - We liked that pet name too so started calling her "Wafee"

- and then Lily started calling her "Sophia".

I usually call her Wafee if she's screaming her head off like she's being attacked by monsters (or the overly adoring 4 year old Abi.)

The kids feel so proud of themselves if they can get her to laugh - they squeal "SoFEEEa!" when they're playing with her and she's laughing or making raspberries.

And we call her "Pretty-pretty-pretty!" when she's looking up at us with those big baby eyes.

She is beauty and innocence squished together inside a wonderfully baby smelling chubby pink slobbery bundle of heaven on earth. I feel so lucky to have her. (what is that baby smell, it's like sweet milk and baby softness and something, I don't know what it is, but I love to bury my head in her neck and cheeks and just breath in her baby smell, love!)


  1. Oh Tiff she is getting so cute, finally coming into her own and out of that newborn stage!
