Thursday, March 15, 2012

Carpentry 101

Mothers of toddlers, I think you're gong to love this cause this was sooo easy, AND! with this little trick, I was able to take such a long hot bath yesterday and the girls didn't knock on the door or fight or get into stuff they shouldn't or anything, not even once!

I got this idea from the Family Fun magazine.

You will need:
a cardboard box
hammer (or a small rock)

We used a cardboard flat thing from Costco cause it was really sturdy like a table

This rock was a little big, but since it was the only rock on hand, I let Lily use Melodie's prayer rock.

And after my long bath, they proudly showed me their work and then they helped me clean it up and asked "can we do that again tomorrow?" Well yes, yes you can!

We're going to try the screw driver and screws today, we'll see how long this activity lasts, but I love it!

Well look who is awake and just came into my "office"... Abi is here and before she looked at the computer she said on her own "Mom! Remember that thing? First we get the box, then we get the pokies, then we get the rock and we get the pokies on the box! Remember?" I think she's excited! Maybe I'll get to take another bath today! Two in a row, that would be a record!
then let your kids have at it

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