Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Two Headed Monster

Joe is such a good big brother to Lily, he takes such good care of her, it's really sweet to watch. I think he is her favorite, and that is just how it should be. We lock our door at night, and on occasion when she comes knocking, we'll go put her back in her bed, then in the morning we'll find her sleeping with Joe in his bed (and hogging up most of the space on his bed too).
And on a side note, in years past I've started several other blogs but not done anything with them, but I think I'm going to use those now for my random thoughts on books and exercise, just to keep things organized, and use this one only for things about the kids and our family. On the tabs above will be the links to those other blogs.


  1. I'm trying to figure out where lily's legs are. Are they in Joe's pants? Too funny.

    1. Yeah, her legs are down his pants. I thought it was really funny too - It's their new trick, but only works if Joe's in his pjs
