Monday, March 19, 2012

Just Another Night

A frequent occurrence at our house - Sunday night it once again took us over an hour to finally read scriptures. It started when I asked Melodie to clean up Abi's Barbie toys off the floor in the girl's room so the boys could have a toy free place to sit. She almost finished, but she is a creative creature, and thus got distracted and soon we were all laughing at her latest creation, a hand puppet named Sally -

Sally's hair is made from one of the little barbie girl dolls which Melodie shoved up her sleeve - very funny.

Then, of course, you gotta make her a boyfriend - meet Sam

He's a surfer.

So one day Sally was at the beach, laying out and working on her tan. Sam came along as was immediately attracted to this beach bathing beauty and said "Hey..." (Melodie said that a deep voice as she had her finger strut walk Sam over to Sally, I was laughing so hard, the way fingers walk was pretty feminine, so it was really funny to see her macho man walking)

And they got married and had kids - Hyrum's hand puppet was their daughter (didn't catch her name)

Joseph made a bully (he had some cuts on his hand, so it seemed appropriate...)

Lily doesn't know what we're doing but follows along anyway:
THEN, who would have know, but Sally and Sam and all the hand people were actually aliens posing as humans!! They were all really octopus looking things (a-la Galaxy Quest aliens)

Took a long time to get everyone semi-focused again for scripture, but it eventually happened, and I said goodnight and went to put Sophia to bed. I came out a half hour later to try and get the boys to bed cause I could hear them being loud and laughing pretty hard and noisily - here is what I saw:

Apparently Lily was invading Wesley's bunk bed as Nacho Libre and was talking tough, it made me laugh too. These silly kids! It is fun (when I have the Spirit with me and thus patience. If I'm not in a good place then I tend to freak out and/or pull my hair out.)

Lily, now dressed as Nacho Vader, looking down at Joseph and speaking very scarily to him in her little toddler voice "Joooo-sef! JoOOo SEFFFF!" - and poor Ethan on the bottom bunk trying to sleep.


  1. Those hand puppets are hilarious. Mel definitely got her creativity from her mom! I love Lily. The little ones always get away with murder.

    1. :) Lily is a spoiled little stinker. Atleast it's not all us - the older kids are helping... almost every morning we find her on Joe's bed.

  2. This is awesome! Sounds like memories that will one day be shared around the "Remember when" gatherings :) ~Beka

  3. Oh. My. Heck. I'm crying! That is so hillarious! I love it! Too bad I'm not there. I'd love to have Jayden hang out with your kids and have them rub off on each other with energy and creativity. Totally reminds me of how we'd never focus when it came to prayer time. Yeah, it can be frustrating now and then, but definitely enjoy it more than pull you hair out about it. Just let it make you smile and enjoy the ab workouts with laughter.

    1. :) thanks Trice, glad I got a crying with laughter out of you! That's the kind of funny stuff I hope get through on the blog, good times~
