Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sophi's 'stache

Here's some more goofing around we did Sunday night ~

No... Eth, you hold the glasses, Joe you hold her hands, Mel hold the mustache... I'll take the picture... nope, try again...

Hold still Sophi!

and in this picture above she's thinkin' "Will you people just leave me alone? sheesh!"

Yay! Lol! That one is cute!!! Do it again! (snap, snap, taking pictures of the baby x 100)


  1. So funny! My youngest seems to have a thing for the 'stach photos too. He's 9 though....

    1. Sam is funny, the pic and description from your Dec 2 post is so cute - kids are so funny! http://cutterdaily.blogspot.com/2011/12/december-2-2011.html ~ "Oh, it's just electrical tape I found on the floor..."
