Friday, March 30, 2012

To Help My Kids Listen to Conference

My mom called this week and shared this idea for helping to get the kids to pay attention during General Conference. We're going to have a picture of the First Presidency and the 12 Apostles and each one has a food that goes with them. For example -

President Monson = 7up cause of the counsel he gave to Elder Cook to "look up" in this talk
President Eyring = O'Henry bar since his first name is Henry
President Uchtdorf = Soup - Wikipedia says his grandmother joined the church because of her meeting a member of the church in a soup line in Germany during WWII

And so it continues like this:

President Packer - Milk - from a story in Teach Ye Diligently (retold here)where his son was trying to force feed a kitten milk, you can't force people to learn, you just got to teach diligently. (got chocolate milk)
Elder Perry - Pears
Elder Nelson - Chinese Noodles or something chinese, from when he learned Mandarin Chinese because of President Kimball's advice. (at the very end of this article)
Elder Oaks - Pineapple - he was chairman of the Board of Directors over the Polynesian Culture Center in Hawaii - (got pineapple juice)
Elder Ballard - Lemonade - cause he was a car dealer and tried to sell the Ford Edsel, but it was a lemon :) (got lemonheads instead)
Elder Scott - Grapes from this talk (got grape juice)
Elder Hales - He's from New York, so gonna try to find New York cheesecake - (got New York Cheesecake Icecream, that works. I think we'll also make a subway sandwich.)
Elder Holland - Twinkies from this talk
Elder Bednar - Pickles from this talk (doh! I forgot the pickles!! blast! maybe I have some peach jam...)
Elder Cook - Cookies, cause his last name is Cook
Elder Christofferson - Homemade Bread from this talk
Elder Anderson - Black Licorice for Sid Going from the New Zealand All Blacks in this talk (got black jelly beans)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see if your idea works. I also like the idea of conference cookies. I should have planned ahead a little better and done something. It's been a long not so very good day and it's midnight and I'm just now trying to get the house somewhat clean so hopefully I can feel the Spirit tomorrow to learn what i need to.
