Monday, April 2, 2012

Folding Laundry

General Conference weekend was good. My little activity to help the kids listen didn't help in getting them to listen, but it did help them learn a little something about each of the apostles, so I guess it's good. Joe and Melodie listened, the rest of the kids would get in pillow fights and were rough housing - making so much noise that none of us could hear. At one point I yelled at them to "GET OUT!" like the Beast when he yells at Belle to get out of the West Wing (2:25... that was me through till 2:36 when he feels like a jerk for how he just freaked out. Maybe I wasn't that bad, I'll have to ask the kids.)

Right after I yelled at them, the choir started their next musical number ~ "Let us oft speak kind words to each other..." Doh!

That was my basic take away from Conference. I want to speak more kindly, be more patient, loving, to make our home a haven. We had a fun Post Conference Hibbert gathering at my lil' sister's house, I posed this weakness of mine to loose my cool with my kids to the group, and Steph said something that has been working for me today, it's to say "Try again" when the kids talk disrespectfully or rudely or don't obey... Less than 24 hours into it, but I think it is working!! Today has been great with the kids home. They've been helping with chores, we all ate lunch together, they've been playing together very nicely, it's good. I do feel like I can find my rhythm when we have un-rushed mornings together. Helps me and them to be consistent in things we need to work on.

The three middle boys were just helping me fold laundry. They would pick up the girls' whitey tighties with some repulsion and put them in the girls' respective piles of clean clothes. It also seemed to make them a little nostalgic for the days of their toddlerhood ~

Hyrum reminisces "I used to think boxers were weird, but now I think whitey tighties are. I'm glad I wear boxers."

Ethan agrees "Yeah, I can't believe I used to wear that stuff..."

Ethan referring to boy underwear as "that stuff" had me laughing so I asked Eth if I could quote him. Funny kids.

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