Wednesday, April 4, 2012

GOP Legos

Proof that my kids have parents that are political junkies (the kids were really excited to show me these)

~ Introducing ~

The first every Republican Debate Lego Set!
Set comes with candidates, podiums and debate moderators. (Next time I'll tell my kids to make some debate-ish looking red and blue lego background for the candidates.)

Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich

And the moderators. (The moderator on the right doubles as Barack Obama.)

Mitt Romney - Hmm, pretty good, but he looks a little angry

Looking good Ron, he looks quite young I think!

Rick Santorum in his as close as we could come sweater vest

And Newt. (Hoping some of these minifigures drop out of the race soon!)

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