Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Hero

Melodie wins. She found my camera. She found it in the hall linen closet. Now the mystery is solved. The last pictures I took were of the hall closet which I was so proud of myself for organizing. And then I left the camera there and it got folded in that small pile of pillowcases to the right of Mel. Melodie found it tonight. The time was 9:25 p.m. We took a picture to memorialize the occasion.

I was just about to chastise her for coming to the closet to dry her freshly washed hands on a "clean" towel...

(... they keep using the closet towels, so I don't know what's clean and what's not, except I know it's clean when it's fresh out of the dryer. Once it's on the shelf with the clean towels, they (Mel and Ethan) come and dry their hands there to avoid the bathroom towels which might have Abi's toothpaste slobber on them, then they leave the clean towels damp and in a heap, which actions irritate me cause I wish they'd just go and take of the dirty towel that they are too pure to use and officially replace it with the clean towel, but no, they just keep coming to the closet. Ok, so there's my rant...)

...and I was about to chastise Mel, but trying to keep my resolve to be kind and pick my battles wisely, I didn't say anything and continued into my room, and heard Mel say, "Mom. Come here." and I said "You found my camera didn't you." and there it was - she pointed to the little black loop thing on camera's that you put around your wrist, it was sticking out of the pile of linens. I had looked there in that closet (AGAIN) earlier today but obviously not very well, but I did feel that pile of pillowcases. I had remembered organizing the "supplies" closet sometime ago and remembered that I took a picture of it, and couldn't find the pics on my computer, so I thought that might add to my list of clues to "The Missing Camera Mystery" and looked in the hall closets again to no avail. Here are the last pictures my camera took 2 weeks ago when he was carelessly set aside to ponder if it would ever be located again.

Oh, I was so proud I had organized my closets! A whole lot of good that did you Tiff, you can't find anything in an organized closet cause you know what goes in there so if it's not on the list, you're not going to look in there very carefully. Well, the trial is over. Glad I'm not going to go crazy or have dreams of looking for my camera any more for a while.

And I'm glad Mel does a better job being a casual observer than me, and that she dries her hands on the clean towels in the closet.

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