Friday, May 4, 2012

Family Pictures!!

We got family pictures taken yesterday!! Oh, they are all sooo great, I love it!  Are we a good lookin' group or are we a good lookin' group! And Corey, he had an idea (totally saved me since we were NOT all ready when we were supposed to be - don't know how we would have made it into the car or to a park on time...) of just getting these pictures taken here at our home and in the tree farm on the lot next to us, aren't they just amazing?  Rochelle, you are awesome, 5 stars, two enthusiastic thumbs up, I highly recommend Pointe Digital Photograph (here's their website and their facebook page), we'll see you again soon and for every year for the rest of our lives if you don't mind.  These pics were scheduled in celebration of our one year anniversary of being back home in Utah, it was a year ago tomorrow that we flew home from Chile, life changing experience that has blessed us in so many ways.  These pictures were also part of my b-day gifts to myself.  In between my birthday and mother's day, I've got a good 2 weeks of "Well, I'll just get this for my birthday" or "This is for me for Mother's day" pass to on any planned or spur of the moment purchases.  :)  Not totally, just a little freedom from the budget.  So hooray for my cute family, yay for AMERICA!  And oh, I just love this man.

W&J, Mom & Dad, these are a little teaser of the pictures we'll give you for mother's day.  :)  More to come.


  1. Tiffanie these are awesome! Look what happens in a year. You look fantastic and your new little one is darling.

  2. What a fantastic family photo!!! And so cute of you and Corey too!
