Thursday, May 3, 2012

King of California Screamin'

I have a lot of pictures of the trip, so I think I'll narrow them down by putting a few pictures of each kids favorite part.  So we'll start with Joe.

Joe's favorite part was California Screamin'.  This could also be said for all 4 of my older kids plus myself, but Joseph is the one who truly proved that it was his favorite part through his actions.  During our 3 days hopping parks at Disneyland, this young man went on California Screamin' 24 times.  24 times.  Probably  not a record, but still, pretty impressive.  His goal was 20 times, and he worked hard to achieve that on his own by spending all his free time jumping into the "single rider" line so he could hurry and reach his goal.

I went with him in the single rider line once, and even though we were standing together up until the ride, it's just not the same or as fun as riding with a friend or family companion.  Joe didn't seem to care about that, and that's okay, he's an almost teenager so that might be part of it.  Or maybe just cause he was really focused on his goal.  I left him at California Screamin' after we went on single riders together which helped him achieve #17 time on the ride.  I left him to finish out 3 more times to reach his goal, come catch up with us when you're done, we'll be at Bear Country.  So he reached his goal, but then I still hadn't gone on it with Corey, so Joe tagged along with us that time and a few more times when everyone else was doing the last things they wanted to do on our last day.  I had wanted to go with Hyrum on Wednesday cause he hadn't ever been on it before, but then right as we were coming up around 3:00, they closed it for whatever reason, I only had a small window of time to ride it baby free, so we missed going together cause I had to get back to the little girls.  He went with Joe, so the last thing I had to do to make our trip at Disneyland complete was to go with Hyrum.  But since Corey came along too, I told Hyrum I gotta go with my man, so sorry you're stuck with your bro.  He dealt with it, and I told him I'd snap pictures during the ride. 

That was fun, and my vacation was complete.  But good job to Joe for having a vision, setting a goal and working hard to achieve it!  You've proved yourself worthy of the title of our family's - King of California Screamin' - congratulations!

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