Monday, May 7, 2012

Little Princesses

Having three little girls at Disneyland was fun. Abi's favorite part - meeting the princesses.  Pretty easy to please.

Lily - she loved meeting Cinderella and Belle, she did not like meeting Ariel or Mulan.

Lily ran right up to Belle and gave her a hug.  Lily also loved Goofy's playground in Toontown.  Sophia liked it there too, so that is where we spent a lot of their waking hours, since it was fenced and contained plus there was a shady bench for the tending parent to sit and watch from.

Win-win.  Kid gets to run around, parent enjoys the nice weather in the shade without worrying about loosing a kid, plus a place to sit and nurse the baby. Lily basically loved anywhere that her little free-spirited self could run around.  Here's a picture Corey took a different day when they went to the beach, I thought it was just precious

Love that little grin, she's a picture of innocence in a little white dress with wispy sea blown hair.  There's her cute 2 year old grin again on Goofy's pumpkin.  She took a webkinz dog with her Wednseday, and a white dog with her Friday.

We spent a good chunk of time Friday at Bear Country in California Adventure.  Bigger area, but still fenced for kids, sitting areas for adults.  Hyrum played with Lily and her puppy on the slides - puppy goes down first, then Lily


Both Wed and Friday she carried those stuffed dogs around.  I was really impressed that she didn't lose them, even if she left them on the playground or slide somewhere (I'd watching thinking she was going to forget it) but nope, she'd go back and pick it up like an attentive little mother.  She won't remember any of this trip except from photos, but it was fun for us to watch her.  Love my little princesses.

Sophia riding the carousel with Corey on the left there, cutie

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