Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not A Typical Dinner

It is Sunday and we are ready to sit down for dinner.  We are having spaghetti.  I notice two year old Lily who is still wearing her Sunday dress - a white dress.  White clothing + spaghetti = stains (actually, I bet oxiclean would take care of it, huh!  Perhaps I shall perform an experiment with an old white t-shirt...) I unbutton her dress and have her lift up her arms to take it off and set it aside.
Lily strives for equal treatment with her older siblings and instantly notices that she's the only one who had to take off her clothes.  She protests - she wants her dress back.

I was dishing up the food, but after I did I was going to go upstairs and get her another article of clothing.  But before I got there, Corey, in a effort to get the dinner show on the road and to stop this 2 year old from crying, promptly took of his shirt so Lily would have an equal.  "See!  It's okay!  Let's eat dinner!"  She looks at Corey and looks around.  There are still lots of people with their shirts on.  "Joe!  Take shirt off!" she commands.  He obeys.  She commands Ethan and Hyrum.  They obey.  Wesley was laughing at us, then started to sheepishly laugh out of fear when Lily looked at him and then at his shirt, then we all looked at him...
"C'mon kid, take it off..." He obeyed, and then happily, we could resume eating dinner.
It was pretty funny, Corey is the funnest and funniest husband around, and I'm glad it's rubbing off a little on these kids. I love it. 
One by one they snuck their shirts back on during the course of the meal.  Lily caught them a few times and they'd humor her and remove their shirts again.  Lily is Queen.

And Wesley shared his great wisdom with his father during dinner - "DAD!  I know why they call them MEAT BALLS!  It's cause they are shaped like balls and they're made out of meat!"
Took a picture to capture his epiphany.  I love it when they have these great insights.  And you know, we might have told them where the name meatballs came from, but still, you have to discover these things for yourself to make them really click, ya know?  Glad to see him continuing to learn and develop that cute little head of his.