Friday, May 11, 2012

Male Bonding

Corey got a Smart Phone last week.  He's a Microsoft guy.  Joe went the Apple route with an iphone that is serving him as an itouch for the time being until he's older and he buys a phone plan for himself.  Corey and Joe compared the different features of their respective phones and apps and had some good bonding time.

I'm in the "I'll wait until my kids are older and up on the latest techie things and then I'll let them hook me up with a cool phone if I think I have time for it".  As for now, I just make phone calls on my phone with an occasional instant message.  I'm so behind the times.

~ Looking on in awe, basking in the glow of the almighty techno-gadget. What a world we live in, pretty amazing stuff goin' on these days, don't you think?

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