Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Daily & Weekly Schedule

Been one of those mornings...

Lily's so meek, ya just can't get upset with her, I mean just look at that little face.  Besides, getting upset doesn't make the clean-up go any faster.  So just turn on some Brandon Flowers and then "whistle while you work" ~

Speaking of work, I've had these ideas for a daily schedule floating around in my head for months, and last night I finally put it all together for myself, so here is my plan of attack, from one busy mom (trying to lose the last 10-15 lbs) to another:

My friend Nicole sent me this video (Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, Sugar chemically addictive? Who knew! ps: i want cheesecake) it gave me some motivation to try and listen to my body more, to figure out what it responds well to and what foods make me bloated, constipated, and moody.  So going to experiment for 3 weeks and eat like this vegan video guy says combined with a little Marilu - fruit in the morning at 7, veggies and no chocolate, cheese, meat, or sugar for the rest of the meals during the day. 

7:00 - Fruit - I've got apples and kiwi for my breakfasts (how simple is that!)
KIDS - cereal/oatmeal/cinnamon, raisins, slices of apple - fiber!!!

10:00 - going to do protein spinach shake at 10:00 (cocoa powder, but no sugar, so not really chocolate, but I'm wondering about the protein powder's effects on the body, shall do more research)
KIDS - spinach protein shakes

1:00 - serving of nuts and raisins if I'm out running errands or salad at home
KIDS - PB&J and fruit & carrots

4:00 - big egg and salsa salad or egg and mustard salad
KIDS - a treat (we gotta try and create a perfect world for these kids!)

6 or 7:00 - healthy version of what I'm feeding the kids or vegetable bean soup

This will for now and after the kids are out of school.

7:00 - 10:00: ME TIME (before and after meal 1) exercise, shower and dress, email, blog plus quick clean up of kitchen

10:00 - 1:00: HOME TIME  (after meal 2) clean, blog, plan errands, decorate

  1. Monday - Mop, Master, Main floor
  2. Tuesday - Toys (in basement & Lego room), Toilets/Bathrooms
  3. Wednesday - Wash (laundry), Windows/mirrors, wals
  4. Thursday - Thoroughly organize a zone
  5. Friday - Floors (vacuum/mop/stairs) Front Room
  6. Saturday - South of the house (Yardwork), Side room, Study
  7. Sunday - rest
1:00 - 4:00: SPIRIT TIME (after meal 3) - kids take a nap, read, scriptures, study General Conference

4:00 - 7:00: COOK TIME (after meal 4) get dinner ready, plan menues, print recipes

7:00 - 9:00: KID TIME (after meal 5) get kids to help clean up, brush teeth, scriptures, FHE,

9:00 - 10:00 ME TIME 2 - plan tomorrow, email, calendar/schedule, coordinate with dear husband

10:00 - Get ready for bed, read a little more, be asleep by 11

So there's my plan, we'll see how it goes!  :)  Off to mop the floor, (whistle ~ whistle)

daily schedule busy mom schedule daily routines kid calendar plan schedule school out

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