Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pig Update

The happy couple - Medusa and Butterfinger

We gave Medusa a haircut, and now she doesn't look like an alien's pet.  We can also tell which side is her front end and back end now, and so we've decided she's cute and that we like her.  Abi and Lily really really like her.  Watch out if you try to take her from one of them.  Yesterday Mel, Hyrum, Wes, Abi, and Lily were all out playing with the pigs, Abi and Lily were fighting over Medusa while the other pigs all got claimed, I insisted Abi let Lily hold Medusa.  So Lily took her and 4 kids were sitting with guinea pigs on their laps with Abi standing watching and then protesting "Then which one am I gonna have!?"  And I thought "Oh dear, 4 guinea pigs and it's still not enough..."

The kids are planning a guinea pig wedding for our happy pigs.  Probably sometime after school gets out.  Then they've already told me they want the pictures printed so they can make some frames pictures for their respective homes.  I just wanted my kids to stay busy and be creative outside during the summer time, and I think my plan is working!

I also had to share these pictures - this is Brooke - she is Abi's primary teacher at school.  It was just cute to see her playing with Abi, had to snap a few pics.

Brooke came over to see our guinea pigs, then Abi asked her if she could play, it was cute.  Brooke is the one who started us out on the rats idea which led to the guinea pigs follow through and the "Summer of the Guinea Pigs" adventure we are embarking upon.  Last summer was the "Summer of the Monarch" which was fun, but doesn't provide all the elements of "how the natural world works" that we're getting from the guinea pigs.  On Saturday, each of the kids except Joe came privately to ask me "Mom, why does Butterfinger keeps getting on top of Medusa?" or would tell me "Mom, I saw Butterfinger was climbing on Eve..." and even "Butterfinger was getting on Oreo..."

Monarach = finding an egg on a leaf.

Guinea Pigs = there's a little bit of daily mating going on here.

Made for some fun discussion, at least as much as the kids can tolerate, cause as soon as I start to explain anything, they say "EEEWWWWW!!!!!!"  I'd say though that having the subject come up because of pet animals is much preferred than by way of friends in school or tv or magazines.  It's been good.  :)

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