Monday, May 21, 2012

Solar Eclipse

Ten days ago my dad emailed all of us kids telling us about the upcoming solar eclipse that would be visible from Utah. I toyed with the idea of heading to Southern Utah to see it, but Saturday turned into a busier day than expected for Corey - with the Fathers and Sons campout, then when they got home from that they went and did a service project for a neighbor, cutting down a big tree and turning it into woodchips - he got a lot of freshly made chips for the back yard play area which was nice.  He ran around doing some final errands the rest of Saturday evening to get ready for his trip to Chile, so Sunday he was ready to just relax at home.  So we didn't execute any plans to drive down to Kanaraville.  But we still had a really fun time seeing the eclipse from here in the Salt Lake valley -

My dad set up some of his telescopes on the upper parking level at the Union Heights Theaters parking garage.  The sun peeked through the clouds a few times for us as the eclipse started, but then a big cloud came and we were worried we'd miss it at it's most coverage.  We played some soccer and duck duck goose with the kids while we waited, all offering simple prayers for the clouds to leave, and at 7:30, when the eclipse was to be at it's maximum totality, the clouds parted and everyone was able to see it ~

Everyone was passing around eclipse glasses, taking turns looking into the telescopes, and the kids also liked the diy cardboard things my dad had made.

It was sooooo neat, it was amazing.  Impossible to wrap your head around level of the incredibleness of what we were seeing - but I loved every minute of it.  So cool to behold God's handiwork. He goes over the top sometimes with his heavenly wonders, don't you think?  It was awesome.

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