Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Sabbath

Sunday morning April 22nd, everyone is still zonked out, but it's time to get up and go kiddos.  ...although it is so cute when they are all peacefully sleeping.

I also cherish the moment each time I see these two getting along...

Two cute things that happened that morning during and after our visit to the University Park Ward - Corey's brother Mark said that during the morning his son Seth asked why his cousin Jordyn wasn't coming to church.  Mark replied "They didn't bring their Sunday clothes."  That satisfied him.  But later during the sacrament meeting the first hour, Seth motioned to his father and then whispered "...next time let's not bring our Sunday stuff, k?"  We both thought that was pretty funny. 

I enjoyed the 3 hours of meetings.  After church when we gathered all the kids and decided who was going with who, poor Seth and Isaac got stuck with us in the loser minivan so that my kids could have a turn with Uncle Mark in his cooler than cool blue convertible Ford Mustang that he was using for the week.  Seth cried for his dad as we helped everyone with their carseats and seatbelts.  Abi who was sitting next to Seth, said with compassion "You really love your Dad, huh?" to which Seth quickly replied "I really love that car!" Funny, cute kids.  Can't blame him.

My kids were feeling pretty awesome.

Oh yeah baby!

As we were pulling out I tried to snap a quick drive by photo of the Newport Temple, but then the Mustang cruised by, of course assuming I was taking another picture of them in that cooler than cool blue convertible Ford Mustang.  I looked at the photo screen, showed it to Corey, and said "...the Gods we worship..."  Funny. 

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