Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Birthday Girl

It's 2 a.m. and my mind is going 100 miles an hour, so I thought I'd come blog.  My inability to relax my brain might be from running a ton of errands today that just gave me huge boosts of energy for several reasons.  Got energy at Walmart cause we'd been dallying around so long at the other stores that I was worried the kids would get home from school before me and find a locked house and that would be sad, so we were running through the store pretending we were running from the "bad guys" as I threw our items in the cart. Abi laughed thinking we were being silly, and Lily said to Ethan in her little 2 year old voice and with a playful look of imagination in her eyes said "Hurry!! Run!!"

When I got home I unloaded the car and started curry for dinner (Tuesday is Curry night) and was super excited - I got dressed in a Sunday dress cause Corey and I were going to the temple together which hasn't happened since I can't remember when and I chose an outfit to wear to the temple based upon what would look cutest on me for dinner as I sat in my birthday apron!

Yes, my B-day was on Saturday, and as my facebook status said:  

Thanks for all the b-day wishes :) We'll try to celebrate a little tomorrow - as for today, I woke up at 3 a.m. and loaded the car then drove for 11 hours - coming home from a fun week in Newport Beach. We had to leave early cause our air conditioner was broken and we knew we'd lose a kid to the heat in death valley if we tried, we were lucky the kids all survived that the first go on the ride down. We were in Mesquite for breakfast at 9 and back in the SL Valley at 4, pretty good time! (and now I'm going to bed.)

Ok, so I've been wanting to buy one of these aprons for a while, I'm pretty sure they were started from some students at BYU (if this is the same company) cause I remember reading about some aprons in the BYU MBA school magazine years ago.  Anyway, saw a banner ad for "Flirty Aprons" on the Guide to Imperfect Homemaking's blog, saw the price, didn't want to spend $35 bucks on an apron, but since I haven't gotten around to sewing one of my own anytime in the last 5 years, I didn't see a chance of things slowing down, so, hey, it's my birthday, I'll splurge.

WELL, so I decided since they have a warehouse here in Sandy that I'd just go by as I ran my errands.  That lead to further energy and good moods, cause I decided to really treat myself to a great b-day gift by using my birthday cash (thanks W&J and Mom) to buy TWO aprons - went in, I knew I wanted the Sassy Black, then couldn't decide between the Sassy Red and Aqua Damask, so I thought I'd throw out to the nice lady - "Is there a discount if I get 3?" to which she replied "Well, we do have our 40% off for Mother's Day deal right now..."  Wa-hoo!  "Well! Then I'll get 3!" and turns out that for whatever reason (I didn't ask) the aprons at the warehouse weren't $35 each, but $25, so I originally planned on spending about $75 for 2 aprons, but instead got 3 aprons for $55!!!!  Happy Birthday to me!!!!

SO!  If you have always wanted a Flirty Apron, of if you find you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE one now since they've been brought to your attention, don't order them online cause they're more expensive and I don't see the discount anywhere, just shoot me an email (or leave your email and I'll shoot you) and I'll go buy and ship a flirty apron to you for a sweet deal, but hurry while supplies last (and before the Mother's Day discount is gone).  So that was one of the many surprises and little fun things that made today just busy and fun, life is so great, can you see the magic in your's?  That link here's a hint of where you find it, it's in the small things, little things, like taking time to swing a baby.  No words can do it justice, so I guess I'll just say "I love it."  (Don't you just love it?!?!)


  1. I LOVE the flirty apron! Such a cute idea and beautiful designs (I checked out the website!). Unfortunately for me, I get SO hot when I'm cooking and/or cleaning that I usually end up in shorts and a tank top AND I'm still in need of a shower afterwards!
    I just wanted to point out how fabulous you look! Red is definitely your color, but it's so apparent how much effort you've put forth in making sure you are healthy. You look so physically strong and oh so happy! Happy Birthday to you!

    1. Thanks Jillian :) Although we've never met in person, I can tell we'd be great friends - It's fun to be a blogging buddy with you! And I do love red, I'm a red, black and sea blue girl, those are the 3 colors that work for me, it's fun.

  2. Happy Birthday Tiffanie and I love the apron. I love getting a little birthday money to spend completely on me without feeling guilty. I wish I would have known you wanted one of those aprons so bad because I would have made you one and it would have been even cheaper so remember that next time. I love to sew, especially for other people and more so for family. Just an idea to think about is having cute matching aprons for you and your girls if they like to help in the kitchen for Christmas or just because.

    1. Amy, I just got the 3 aprons, but I'd love 20 so feel free to make me some, I have material I bought years ago to make aprons with, maybe I'll bring them for you on Saturday and you can work your magic. Matching aprons with the girls would be soo fun too, so yes! Anytime you're wanting to spend your wonderful creativity on us, we're happy to oblige!

  3. Oh my gosh Tiffanie they just had a Groupon for those for $15 a piece! The other funny part is that I sell product for the company in Sandy that you visited to buy those aprons at their Warehouse, I sell their flashlights and watches, but have not touched on selling the Flirty Aprons yet, they just purchased that company recently I believe. That is funny, next time call me and I'll see if I can get you a better deal!

    1. $15 bucks with groupon, doh! Oh well, I'll call you next time, still very glad I didn't pay the $35! I saw some of the other products in their office, looks like they have some handy gadgets. :)

    2. I'm a big Groupon shopper, but you know sometimes you miss one! I'm glad you didn't pay full price either, and that you did something nice for yourself, I hope you are able to take Tiffanie time with all your busy with to keep your sanity! You must be an amazing mother to do all you do with your kids. I have a friend in Highland who has 11 kids, and she is absolutely the best mother, so patient, and so kind, I don't think I'd be as patient, but I really appreciate and think highly of mothers that can handle so many children. I came from a family of 6 kids,and I think big families are a special blessing and am so grateful for my own!

  4. P.S. You look really cute in your apron!!! Another question for you, based on what you purchased, do you think bigger people could wear those aprons well or does it fit you really well at your smaller size?

    1. the original styles seem just a little big on me at 5'2", I bet they'd fit you great. I haven't tried the Marilyn or KayDee styles, they might be better for short people like myself. :)
