Monday, June 11, 2012

8 Before 8

I've got a busy day today. We are babysitting a friends' puppy and 2 rats this week, so that now means I have 7 pets under my care that I have to keep alive, one of which (the puppy) is eager to use the guinea pigs as a chew toy, I'm hoping they all make it through this week unscathed.  Corey DOES NOT like the rats - "Suddenly cats have taken a step up in my view."

Plus today I'm watching my awesome brother's cute kids.  7 pets and 12 kids, it's gonna be a Par-tee!  Good thing I got a jump start on my day by doing my 8 things before 8 o'clock -

1) Prayer - check
2) Exercise - yes, Kristi Approved 300 took me 20:53, (I thought the burpees were going to kill me this morning)
3) Water - yup (started to drink my gallon jug)
4) Bathe - yes
5) dress to shoes - a la FlyLady
6) Hair and make up - yes.
7) Word of God - read this talk by Elder Bednar and this talk by Elder Hales
8) Journal - I even did that one!  Yeah!

Now I'm ready, got it kicked in gear and it's gonna be a good day!


  1. ¡Que bueno! Espero que te vaya bien bien hoy dia.


    1. Martín, espero verte pronto!! Te amo y es mi amor! (y por los que no saben quien es Martín, lea esta post )
