Tuesday, June 12, 2012

10 Before 10?

I didn't do my 8 before 8 today, I only did 2.  Corey says his plan of attack is "One and Done".  (Funny.)  I got up but then went back to bed, now I'm officially up except for my shoes on, so maybe I'll add 2 more things to my list and try to finish them by 10. 

The kids are enjoying puppy-sitting, and she's a cutie, but boy, I'm glad we're only having this puppy for one week.  We took her last night to a neighborhood ice cream social, Ethan wanted to take her, but then after being at there for 20 minutes and not being able to enjoy the freedom that being puppy-less brings, the children started to pawn her off on me and Corey.
Pretty irritating.  

Children, I'm already running on all cylinders, as is your father. I don't want to take care of a dog too, and since I know you guys can't hack it either as demonstrated by this evenings simple social event, that is the reason why we will not be dog owners.  Atleast not until you are all grown and functioning adults.  And even then we won't cause your father is allergic.
(He had to get on the trampoline to fetch Lily when it was time to go, the little stinker wouldn't come to us so gotta chase her down while he's already holding one kid, and Lily just laughs at the fun game)

Here are some pictures of the fun party - horse riding, bounce house, ring toss, ice cream, cookies, summer fun!
And after the social we were sent home with some of the leftover treats.  It is one of the blessings/cursings of having lots of kids.
Blessing cause I have something to bribe the kids with if needed, but then they probably won't do it and will just be nagging me for cookies all day.  As of now the kids still don't know I have these.  Cursing: it's sugar, it's chocolate, and if the kids are slacking and don't earn any rewards and I'm not on my game, then I eat too many of them (munch munch on another macademia white chocolate cooking as I type)

Oh, and the kids just informed me that one of the rats is missing.  doh.

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