Friday, June 15, 2012

Birthday Breakfast

It's Corey's birthday today and he invited everyone who was awake and ready by 8:00 to join him for his birthday breakfast at the Black Bear Diner.

 Sophia was so excited!

 Hyrum dutifully filled out all the blanks in the kid's menu's Mad Libs section...

Wesley was amazed at the huge portion sizes (these chocolate chip pancakes were on the kid's menu, this diner has mega-portions for all customers)

 Corey gave Joseph the green light to order from the adult menu, since he's 12.  He ordered "The Grizz" and after the waiter left with our orders, Corey looked at the specifics for Joe's dish. Woah.  "Are you hungry?"  If a large portion restaurant is warning you about their large portion, buckle up.

We all started placing bets as to if he'd be able to finish it or not.  He had to finish it all AND not throw up for atleast 40 minutes.  When the food was delivered, we all bet against him.

3 HUGE pancakes, a HUGE grissly paw of hashbrowns, sausage, bacon, and a big ham steak.  Corey and I mind you, having been to this restaurant before, opted to share a dish.  Which was good, cause we had stomach room to help the kids finish off their balanced breakfasts.

Melodie made Corey a coupon book, colored illustrations included.  She wins the "Thoughtful Kid" award.

Ethan, in an effort to not be shown up, hurried and threw this together...

The coupon in the top right of the photo there says "Give Ethan a back rub"... Nice Eth, just what every parent wants for their birthday from their kids, more demands.  Corey's reply "Wow!  I'm definitely gonna save that one!"  It was a fun and funny breakfast.  As we walked out of the restaurant, Joseph said with an "I'm stuffed" expression on his face ~ "40 minutes starts now..." which made me laugh so hard I snorted.

Happy Birthday sweetheart!  Now we're off to the waterpark.  (The kids are going to wish every day was Dad's birthday)

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