Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Did Something Pinteresting!

Well, I like Pinterest.  And I really like it and feel happy when I actually do stuff that I've repinned.  Yesterday I did two things.  One, we made some watermelon and strawberry lemonade that was very yummy - nothing like a cup o' sugar to make the kids smile!

And two, I made a patriotic wreath for the 4th of July!

Isn't that cute?  There were a few different versions of this - creative imperative, cellar door, & naptime crafting

This little project was easy but feels a little time consuming, if 2 hours of wrapping yarn in circles counts as time consuming.  But easy cause I was just able to stand by my bed and do it with Sophi content to be sitting close by.  Melodie found me and helped me do it, we had a system, I lined up and wrapped the yarn, she kept lacing the skein through the middle of the wreath.

We just kinda figured it out as we went.  I wrapped all the white at once, then did the red in sections and hot glued the ends of the red yarn to the back of the wreath.  Friday I cut out white cardboard stars and hot glued those on.

I went with brite blue and red, stars intstead of buttons, and after I was done it looked like it was still lacking something, so I added a bow.  Might take that white bow off and try a red one and see which I like better.  But for now, good job me!

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