Monday, June 18, 2012

Fun Run Training

I'm officially training for the Fun Run.  July 4th, 7 a.m., and I'm going for the gold.  There are two trophies awarded for the 1st place guy and girl.  I gotta win the Women's division. I gotta beat my boys while I still can.  I'm feeling in pretty decent shape, so I think I have a chance. Plus Joe's getting taller and faster, so this might be my last chance to show him up.

But I don't just have to beat them, I have to win the trophy.  Having that trophy up on a shelf where they can see it and wish they had won it and were as cool as me would be very effective.  And I can walk by and dust it and pretend that my little piece of shiny plastic is important to me.  Well, I don't want to teach them to covet, but I do want them to know that I'm setting a goal to win it, I've made a plan, and I'm going to execute that plan to help myself achieve my goal.  That's what I want to teach them, and I'm gonna win the trophy so they can wish they were as tough as me and hopefully they'll be inspired to train for something and set a goal, something like that.  Or even if I don't win I can show them how to be a good loser!  So yeah, this will be good.

Last night Joe, Eth, and Hyrum all said they wanted to train with me today.  I warned them last night that I'd do a quick shoulder shake to them to get their eyes open and say "Get up, I'm leaving in 5 minutes" - and that's it.  Eth didn't make it out of bed.  Joe, Hyrum and I walked to the church for a warm up, then went to where we think the starting line will be and said "GO!" for ourselves.  Joe and Hyrum went the whole 3K distance.  Hyrum slowed Joe and I down, but it was cute.  I let him hold my hand and I pulled him a few times.  I told him he doesn't have to come for our next training session and he said "...but I don't want to be a fAiLuRe at the fun run!"  When we were on the last leg of the run I gave Joe the timer so he could run ahead and see what his time was, then he'd tell Hyrum and me our time when we crossed.  Joe's time was 18:36, Hyrum and I were 20:30.  I ran it on Saturday and got 13:20.  Joe and I are going run it again Wednesday morning and see how we do pushing each other.  :)

Here are some pictures from last year on their website -You can join the fun too if you want, there is unlimited registration, and it's free!!  (But you better not beat me.)

My hero Shannon was at last years run in the middle above, bib #68, plus our other famous neighbor there in bib #53!  :)

I'm in image 7492 near the middle of the picture.  You can see Corey racing to the finish in image 7602.  The girl bib #93 won the women's division last year... I think I can take her.  Luckily this little fun run is just a big deal to kids, which will help me beat the adults and be the coveted winner by the children.  Corey's on babysitting duty, so without my own kids to watch, I'm in it to win it!!!

1 comment:

  1. GO TIFF AND JOE!! When I saw you yesterday I was inspired! You look good! You can take 1st! I'm gonna get up and get moving too!
