Monday, June 4, 2012


Oh, these are so funny!  I love these videos!!!

7:17-7:23!!!  Richard Sarrah is my favorite person ever!  Oh, and all the Roberts ~ Brett, John, Randy, Dave, Mike, Mark - it is sooo fun to have siblings, especially when you all get older and find our you're friends and that you like each other.  :)  We are going to have so much fun when our kids grow up like these funny guys!

My kids have been checking youtube faithfully for weeks now waiting for this - haha! I beat them to it!  They are going to be excited in the morning, or whenever I let them use the computer and reveal my secret that episode 9 is here!!


  1. Tiffanie,
    These are hilarious!!!! I LOVE it! Thank you so much for sharing something light and funny when I really needed the positive pick me up. I'm always saying to people, "It's so easy to be negative and it takes a lot of effort to be positive, but be positive is so much healthier and rewarding!" In just the few days since I've been home from a fun trip, the turkeys have been bring me down. Thanks again for your up beat attitude!

    1. You're welcome Jillian! Glad they made you smile, they make me laugh so hard, I love it :)
