Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kids' Chores by Room

I've been cleaning all day.  3 weeks of summer vacation are already done and I'm hoping next week we'll have the hang of it, cause so far we haven't done much of our plans cause the kids are never done with their stuff.  I thought it would help for me to be very specific about what they need to do.  SO, here is what I expect from them "chores"-wise.  I got this idea from The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking's Spring Cleaning List and I modified it with a little twist of Flylady style.  I just printed up these daily/weekly task list that I'm hoping will not make them feel overwhelmed.  Put them in a sheet protector and on a clipboard and we're ready to go.  

And if they are able to do this, wow, our house will really look great!  

(This is the type of looking room that we are trying to avoid ~ although this one was taken in the middle of de-junking it)

(Here's crossing my fingers.) 


  1. Pick up items off the beds, shelves, & floor and put them away where they go
  2. Clothes folded neatly
  3. Take dirty clothes to laundry room

Mon - Wash bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets, and wipe down bed frame, (once a month: freshen mattress by sprinkling with baking powder, letting sit briefly, and the vacuuming it up.)
Tues - Organize and donate toys and wash shelves and toy box, vacuum floor and under bed
Wed - Wash walls, doors, knobs and switch plates
Thurs - Clean out all closet drawers and shelves, wipe out, replace items neatly
Fri - Vacuum floor and all corners of room
Sat - Wash windows and window blinds

  1. Pick up items off the couches & floor and put them away where they go
  2. Straighten pillows & blankets
  3. Sweep landing and clean coat closet
  4. Dust shelves

Mon - Wash Windows
Tues - Vacuum floor and under couch cushions
Wed - Wash Walls, doors, knobs and switch plates
Thurs - Sweep off front porch
Fri - Vacuum floor and move couches and vacuum under them and the rug
Sat - Scrub grout and Wash floor boards

  1. Pick up items off the desk & floor and put them away where they go
  2. Clean off desk and wipe clean
  3. Empty garbage

Mon - Wash glass door
Tues - Vacuum floor and all corners
Wed - Wash Walls, doors, knobs and switch plates
Thurs - Empty out desk drawers, wipe or vacuum them out, organize items and put back
Fri - Vacuum floor and all corner
Sat - Empty out desk cupboards, wipe them out, organize items and put back


  1. Pick up items off the couches & floor and put them away where they go
  2. Straighten pillows & blankets
  3. Clean off desk and wipe clean
  4. Dust book shelves and side tables
  5. sweep floor and mop wood floor

Monday - Wash Dad’s glass office door and all windows & mirrors
Tues - Vacuum rug and under couch cushions
Wed - Wash Walls, doors, knobs and switch plates
Thurs - Empty out desk drawers, wipe or vacuum them out, organize items and put back
Fri - Vacuum rug and under couch and all corner
Sat - Wash floor boards and spot clean couch (ask mom for help)

  1. Pick up items off the counter, table, & floor and put them away where they go
  2. Clean off Table and wipe clean
  3. Clean off counter and wipe clean
  4. Empty garbage
  5. Sweep floor
  6. Load/unload dishwasher
  7. Wash the sink

Mon - Mop Floor & Scrub Grout
Tues - Organize Pantry
Wed - Wash walls, windows, doors, floor boards, switch plates, & mirrors
Thurs - Clean out all drawers, wipe out, replace items neatly
Fri - Clean and organize Fridge & Freezer, sweep under
Sat - Clean stove top and microwave, sweep under stove

  1. Pick up items off the counter & floor and put them away where they go
  2. Wash counter top
  3. Clean sink and drain
  4. Empty garbage
  5. Straighten bathmats

Mon - Mop floor, floor boards, and scrub grout
Tues - Clean toilets and restock TP
Wed - Wash walls, doors, front of cabinets, knobs and switch plates
Thurs - Clean out all drawers, wipe out, replace items neatly
Fri - Clean Tub
Sat - Clean and organize under sinks

* Update * - I added a few more lists - including backyard, pets, basement, and other areas of our home.  Here's the link to my google document of the chore lists.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing....We will be implementing this ASAP!

