Monday, July 2, 2012


This is Abi's Monkey Doll.  Last Thursday I put all my necessary responsibilities on hold to make a little pillow and blanket Nap-N-Go thingy for her Monkey doll.
Then, of course, I had to make one for Lily's Zebra too.
Didn't really have a plan, just winged it, so Lily's turned out better measurement-wise than Abi's rough draft.  But it was fun, it's fun to create.  :) nap n go nap roll mat sleeping bag kids nap-n-go how to make nap time nap time nap mat
So the house was a wreck afterwards as was my sewing area.  We caught up with the house Saturday and now I'm off to clean my messy "everything crafty" table in the laundry room.  Have a good day!

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