Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Squirrel Funeral

I had just left the house with most of the kids last week when Joseph called from home - he found a dead squirrel in the basement.  He had just finished his chores and wanted to play the Wii, but now wouldn't cause he didn't want to clean/pick it up or play down there with the little dead guy in the room with him.  So, he had to wait 3 hours till I came back home.

Got a grocery sack and picked it up and the kids wanted to show it to their friends.  We had a brief memorial service and said a prayer for the squirrels family to forgive us.  I'm not sure if the squirrel came in through the basement door or through a window - I did find a hole in a window screen down there.  I've got all the basement windows open cause our house scored really high on a radon test we did.  (1 is normal, 4 you should get it fixed, our house was at 11 - yikes) So, not sure if he died cause he was stuck inside and couldn't get out, or cause of the radon, or cause of the Protecta Sidekick Rat Bait Stations that the we put out with our neighbors cause they had seen vole mice, the pest control guys said the squirrels wouldn't eat it, but we've seen 2 now if you count this little baby.  Sorry little guy, hope we didn't kill you.  We went and put away the bait station after we found this one, and then we did see one of the 5 squirrels in the hole that's in the corner of our yard.  We've been putting out cheerios everyday and watching to see if they get taken.  Hoping they aren't all dead in their little hole.  I was worried this would probably happen, we're not going to do the Sidekick bait station again.


  1. Another friend just posted on facebook that she got bitten by a squirrel today. Just thought it was funny that I had multiple friends going the rounds with squirrels today. You're good to take a picture of that for your kids -- I'm a pretty tough gal, but dead rodents make me a little queasy!

  2. how did you test the home for radon?

    1. we bought some kits from a neighbor, similar to this one
