Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Buck Moon

This morning I traded in my workout for a temple trip - I left at 5:15 and can I just say I was speechless as I drove down the ridge and saw the gorgeous full moon ~

It was amazing.  I wanted to honk and wave at all the other drivers and make sure they noticed it so they could be blown away with me.  I wanted to tell everyone, it was so gorgeous.  But alas, it was 5:30 in the morning.  ...and I didn't have my phone anyway.  It was colored rusty orange/red from the smoke in the sky, hanging low just over the west horizon, it was amazing.  It set at 5:40, I watched it slip away past the mountains.  Amazing.  Tomorrow morning it won't be a full moon, but I'm still waking up Corey and Joe and maybe the other older kids to drive down the hill to see it, it was full of beauty and left me full of awe.

Yesterday was also an amazing day chore wise, I am excited!  Of course the first few days are always the best when I start a new chore program, so we'll see, but as for yesterday and today, my latest kid chore plan worked great and the house looked awesome.  Didn't do math and Spanish, but the kids did their reading and music so that's good, slow and steady we'll keep trying to develop these habits and improve and learn and grow.

Corey's teaching Ethan some Kenny G so he can serenade women when he's older. Tells him the women are helpless for a guy playing a sax.  Not sure that impresses Ethan much, but he did his music, so, whatever works I guess.  :)

Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. is the Granite Fun Run.  We are ready to race!

Last night we took our troops for our last bit of training as we ran laps around the block.  Hyrum, Joe, and Ethan are all set in their fun run t-shirts.  Mel's skipping out by choice, the rest of them are sitting out by parent's choice.  Although last night Lily did 3 laps barefoot, it was pretty cute to here here say "Let's go!  Run!!  I running!"

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