Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"FUN" is My Middle Name!

Well, it's in the middle of my name, so I say that's close enough! 

Abi left this love letter on our dresser for Corey and I, as you can see that it is addressed to "TFFUNENDAD", Tiffanie N Dad.  I love the FUN in it, makes me thing this should be my theme song.  :) 

(two different links there to two versions of the fun "F.U.N. Song")

Abi calls me "Mom", but I guess it's a formal letter, hence the proper first name.  She also writes letters to her favorite primary teacher Brook and spells it BRC.  So cute, I love seeing the kids learn and figure things out on their own, even when it's wrong it's still wonderful. 

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