Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Outing to the Park

Well I'm so impressed with myself - I left the house today!!! AND with all the children.  Had to compel some of them to come, they wanted to play legos, but I tried out their strategy of nagging and it worked.   It is such a pretty day, I'm glad we got outside to see the world instead of thinking that the four walls that usually surround us are what is natural.

Joe wasn't feeling that great but came anyway and even played on the slide for a while.
I told Mel she could bring two guinea pigs, so Oreo and Eve tagged along and didn't try to run away even once, they are such good piggies.

Ethan played some catch football with Ethan Jensen - 

Hyrum didn't want to come, so I tried to get a picture of him pouting during the first 3 minutes but he wouldn't let me, then he started having fun after I was done snapping pictures.  So Hyurm is not documented.
Wesley was in character as a cowboy riding his bronco horse with his lasoo rope, he's such a cute kid.
Abi rode her scooter round and round

Lily played here and there and everywhere and I thought this was a cute picture of her and Eve.
And Sophia and I did what we usually do as I sat nursing her while the chaos swirled around us.
It was a beautiful morning.

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