Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Press On

I read some more news today about Sierra Newbold, so sad.  I imagine my little Wes and it is just so sad.  She is with the Savior now, and I pray for His spirit to comfort and bless her parents, family, and friends.  Also, I was so impressed with the Newbold's press release statement and their compassion for Terry Black's wife and children.  They do need our prayers too.

For all involved and affected by this, I'm sure all they can do for now is to take one day at a time.  To press on.  I listened to this talk today, it made me think of them as they go forward and strive to endure the heart ache that has come to them.

I also thought of her family as he spoke of Warren Johnson in that video above. (10:07)  Such a heavy trial they have all been called to bear.  I pray for them to find peace and comfort in the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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