Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sensitive Little Girl

We told the kids about Sierra Newbold Wednesday night, wanting them to know that there are bad guys out there and to be careful, and this is why we don't want you to walk over to your friends house alone - we know that you are a big kid and know the way around the neighborhood, but there could be bad guys out there who might try to get you, they are sneaky and will lie to you and trick you.  We are not trying to be mean, we are trying to keep you safe, so you've got to learn to obey us and trust us.
Then Abi would ask "So Sierra didn't obey?"  No, Sierra didn't do anything wrong, this was just a bad guy who stole her.
Abi was pretty broken hearted about the whole thing cause she saw pictures of Sierra on Corey's smart phone and that Sierra was pretty and so Abi said "I like her, I want to be her friend" and then she started to cry cause we said she was gone to heaven "Now I can never be her friend!?!  I wanted to be her friend!!!!"  It was cute, but the more we tried to explain thing in an effort to help her understand or feel better, the more inconsolable she became.  I think she's just a very sensitive little girl and she got that from me.  My mom always told me she knew I was sensitive cause when I was little I cried after watching "Where the Red Fern Grows".  I don't remember that one cause I was like in 1st grade, but I do remember seeing the tv special "I Know My First Name Is Steven" when I was a teenager - after it was over I went into my room and buried my head in my pillow and just cried the rest of the night.  My parent's tried to comfort me but it was just too sad.   I also remember watching a tv show about Ted Bundy and being freaked out.  Lots of bad guys out there.  Don't like to dwell on it too much, but I'm glad I learned about it and to make my kids aware of it sometimes.
Then it's nice to return to the safety of our home and family, safe in our little happy bubble.

We let the kids play late last night cause they were being so cute - playing hide and seek and then playing it the sardines version.  It was funny when Ethan couldn't find them but they could all hear him getting frustrated, they thought it was funny cause they were all in such an easy and obvious spot in the kitchen pantry.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm.. i hadnt thought about talking to the kids about that. interesting. we have a berenstains book called 'the trouble with strangers' that explains it really well. weve read it at least a dozen times.
