Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gone With the Wind Legos

 Joseph made these - here we have Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara ~
Scarlett is having another jealous fit, can't see what's good in her own life cause she can only see what's missing, Ashley Wilkes.  "There's that Ashley pretending he loves Melanie again..."
I thought Ashey was a good likeness.  Melanie needs a skirt or dress though, those pants don't cut it for a Southern girl.  But wow, she's always just so happy and positive!  When my kids are being stinkers, I say "You want to be Scarlett or do you want to be Melanie?  You can choose to be like the one who you think was the happier person."
(Melanie always wins that one, none of them aspire to be like Scarlett, so we're hoping they never act like her again or we'll have to remind them they're with her headed down the road to loneliness and misery...)
 The kids have also been making treasure boxes out of legos - Ethan is there in front showing where the "secret compartment" is to his box - he wanted everyone to see - he just pushed it out by way of the "secret button" - it's that red drawer coming out of his blue box.  Eth, your secret is not much of a secret anymore...
And Wesley cracked me and himself up with his "Marshmallow Man" who works at the Marshmallow Store, who has to dress up as a giant marshmallow and go out into the street to try and attract customers, yelling "Marshmallows for Sale!"  (I don't think there's that big of a market for marshmallows in the real world, but since this is kid world, I bet it will be a huge success!)

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