Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The kids have been building forts out of blankets and stools and pillows - enjoying the last week of summer vacation, school starts on Monday!

Abi was the leader of this game.  And she even almost cleaned it all up when she was done!  Just another blanket and a pillow here on the floor, I guess I can get those.
And the kids' cousins came over to play today ~

Abi, Isaac, and Lily are being Wendy, Peter Pan, and Tinkerbell.  Joseph is Captain Hook (such a nice 12 year old to play games with the little people)
Isaac Pan made Captain Joe Hook say "I'm a codfish!", then made him say it again "louder"!  It's really fun watching them play.

1 comment:

  1. My kids are really into forts also. I have to put my couch cushions back on every night and then hunt down pillows that mysteriously go missing from everyone's beds. :)
